Low Loader Recovery
Low Loader Recovery in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Falkirk, Fife. Are you looking for a trusted local business that provides Large Vehicle Recovery? We are McPhie Recovery based in Central Scotland and we provide specialist Low Access-Sliding Axle Trailer Recovery.

Low-Loader Accident Recovery
Low-loaders are capable of removing the largest vehicles and most awkward of loads from the accident scene, quickly and safely. Low-loaders are special pieces of recovery equipment commonly used for carrying pieces of plant and equipment.

Low Access-Sliding Axle Trailer
McPhie Recovery have a variety of low-loaders available, that accommodate this facility. These units are also of particular use in recovering large vehicles or equipment stranded or disabled due to accident.
Trusted, Reliable and Experienced
We are a trusted and reliable local business with 40 years experience in Breakdown Assistance and Recovery. Get in touch today for help.